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A Historical Survey Of The Discipline Construction Of The Chinese Communist Party (1921-1949)

Posted on:2019-01-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B X XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330572453530Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The discipline construction of the Communist Party of China(CPC)is a series of work to formulate and improve each rules and regulations of the party's discipline,to safeguard party discipline carried out,and to make the party's activities standardized and programmed.It mainly includes: formulating and improving the party's discipline,supervising and checking the implementation of the party's discipline,and carrying out the education about the party spirit and discipline,etc.Positive and effective discipline construction is the key and important guarantee to keep the internal unity of CPC,to consolidate its own strength,and to complete the major tasks during various periods.Therefore,the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the discipline construction since its establishment,especially in the historical turning period when the political situation has greatly changed.Active and effective discipline construction is a vital and successful experience to make CPC highly centralized and unified internally and disciplined and popular externally in its revolution,construction and reform.In 1921-1949,the Communist Party of China not only led the victory of the new democratic revolution,but also set up,develop,and entered into maturity.The discipline construction ran through this important historical period,and played a key role in the development and growth of Party organization as well as the victory of democratic revolution.During the revolution,the Communist Party of China preliminarily practised the discipline construction,established and perfected the relevant provisions of the discipline,established the party special supervision organization formally,and promoted the institutionalization and standardization of the party system organization.During the land revolution,through the development of discipline construction,the Chinese Communist Party effectively preserved the organizational strength at the beginning of the Revolution failure whose situation was severe and complex,and was able to establish and develop in the vast rural areas,further restoringf and developing its own strength,and promoted the revolutionary movement to realize new development.During the whole nation's War of Resistance against Japan,the Communist Party of China further consolidated its newly rapidly developing organizational strength by carrying out disciplinary construction,and promoted party members and cadres to play a model and example role in unity and resistance to Japan in the anti-Japanese United front.It has greatly expanded its political and social influence throughout the country.In addition,the discipline construction carried out by the CPC during this period has also succeeded in maintaining the unity of the whole Party and making the Anti-Japanese base areas,which are in the state of separation and encirclement between the Japanese and the Kuomintang troops,bring their initiative and creativity into full play,and has preserved and developed their own strength in a dangerous,tense and complex environment.This created an important foundation for the CPC to launch a positive contest with the Kuomintang in the War of Liberation.After the outbreak of the War of Liberation,especially after the people's Liberation Army began to shift to the stage of strategic attack,it is urgent to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the whole Party and the whole army in order to speed up the process of victory in the war.To this end,the Communist Party of China has taken many measures to strengthen the party's discipline building,so that the whole party and the whole army quickly reached the state of a high degree of unity.In this way,powerful forces were effectively gathered to win the final victory of the War of Liberation.It can be seen from this that active and effective self-discipline construction is the key factor for the Communist Party of China to succeed in winning the victory of the revolution in the period of the new democratic revolution from small to large,from weak to strong,from childish to mature.Therefore,it is of great historical significance to comb and study the historical process of discipline construction in this period,to explore its successful experience and law,to reflect on the causes and lessons of its setbacks and failures.In the period of the New Democratic Revolution,according to the course of the Communist Party of China's discipline construction,it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that discipline building is a key measure for the CPC to effectively undertake the important tasks put forward by the times during the important historical turning point.Today,the Communist Party of China is also at the important historical point of entering into a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Whether it can successfully open a crucial period for the further development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and can realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation in the middle of this century,also needs to rely on discipline construction to make the whole party achieve a high degree of unity and gather the powerful kinetic energy of its navigation in the new era.During the period of the new democratic revolution,the course of the Party's discipline building will undoubtedly be able to provide enough spiritual power,ideological nutrients and effective experience for us to continue to develop the Party's discipline in the new stage.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to study the course of discipline construction in this period.The main content of this paper can be divided into two parts: preface and text.The preface includes: the origin and significance of the research,the literature review,the definition of the core concepts,the research methods and the innovative points and difficulties of the research.The content of the text is divided into the following six chapters:Chapter one: the theory and practice origin of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China.This chapter first introduces Marx and Engels' theoretical explanation of proletarian party discipline,their basic contents and important norms of proletarian party discipline,and practical activities to safeguard proletarian party.This is an early theoretical and practical exploration for the proletarian party to carry out discipline construction,providing an important ideological and theoretical source for CPC to carry out discipline construction after its establishment.Since the Communist Party of China is a Marxist political party formed in accordance with Lenin's principles of party building,this chapter focuses on the comprehensive elaboration of the great significance of the discipline of proletarian political parties,the deep elaboration of its basic connotation,the strict requirement and enforcement of the party discipline,and the main measures to safeguard and enforce the party discipline,developing Lenin's theory and practice of proletarian party discipline construction further.This part is helpful for us to grasp the theoretical and practical origin of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China more directly.Chapter two: the germination and preliminary development of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China(1921-1927).There are four parts in this chapter: the first part mainly introduces the discussion and argument of the Party discipline thought before the founding of the Communist Party of China,and shows the understanding of the early Chinese Communists on this issue;The second part focuses on the principles of party building in the early founding period,and the preliminary provisions of the party discipline in the party platform and the party constitution on this basis;The third part is devoted to the perfection of the Party's discipline regulations and the establishment of the discipline enforcement organization,and the fourth part focuses on the main measures of serious discipline enforcement.These four parts comprehensively show the germination and initial development of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China.Chapter three:the further development and deviation of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China(1927-1937).In the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War,the Communist Party of China began to lead the revolutionary movement independently,and established the revolutionary regime and the Red Army,which not only put forward new requirements for carrying out its own discipline construction,but also created favorable conditions.Therefore,the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China has been further developed,which mainly shows the following four aspects: deepening the understanding of the discipline of the party,formulating the new content of the discipline of the party;To re-establish specialized discipline enforcement agencies and formulate related work systems;to carry out major measures to enforce the Party's discipline.At the same time,since the Communist Party of China was not yet fully mature in this period,serious deviations and mistakes have occurred in the implementation of Party discipline,mainly manifested in the emergence of "correctional doctrine",using political discipline as a means to carry out the wrong line,and "cruel struggle".Merciless strike "the way to carry out the wrong line of struggle." These deviations and mistakes caused a large number of party members and cadres to be wrongly arrested and killed,and the lesson is very profound.Chapter four: the further and all-round development of discipline construction of the Communist Party of China.During the Anti-Japanese War period,with the rapid development of Party members and Party organizations in the new situation,the CPC further strengthened its discipline construction in order to consolidate their own strength and expand their role and influence in the Anti-Japanese national United front.At the same time,as the War of Resistance against Japan has entered into a phase of confrontation,the CPC Central Committee has been able to conduct a full study and a systematic summary about the Party's history and the working experience of various base areas in a long-term and stable environment.Thus the understanding of the Party's discipline building is more comprehensive and profound.Under the joint action of the above cause,the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China has been further developed and carried out,which is mainly reflected in: deepening the understanding of the importance and connotation of the discipline of the Party,perfecting the discipline of organization,secret work,propaganda and the masses;taking a series of important working measures about party discipline implementation.Chapter five: the further maturation of the discipline construction of the Communist Party of China(1945-1949).During the War of Liberation,the Communist Party of China further strengthened discipline in the whole party and army in order to defeat the Kuomintang army,which had an absolute advantage in all aspects.During this period,the Chinese Communists not only put forward strict discipline as an important condition for winning the support of the masses and jointly dealing with the enemy,but also as an important guarantee for strengthening centralization,unity and carrying out the Party's policies.Moreover,the CPC enriched and improved the discipline of organization,secret work,propaganda and the masses.More importantly,After the Chinese people's Liberation Army turning to the strategic offensive stage,the CPC Central Committee,through conducting discipline education throughout the Party and the whole army,conducting the struggle against lawlessness and lawlessness,promptly and seriously punished Party members who violated discipline.Therefore,the Party organizations quickly realized a high degree of centralization and unity from the central to all levels,and finally won the war.Chapter six: historical experience of Party discipline Construction in 1921-1949.Based on the contents of the above five chapters,this chapter systematically summarizes the historical experience of the Party's discipline construction from 1921 to 1949,that is,the discipline of the Party is the key factor to ensuring the unity of the whole Party and the success of various undertakings.The correct political line is the fundamental guarantee to the discipline construction.The strict discipline is the inherent requirement of the party discipline construction,and the implementation of inner-party democracy is the important condition for the party discipline construction.These historical experiences has implications for inspiration and guidance in further developing the Party's discipline building at a new stage of development,so as to maintain the Party's high degree of unity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Democratic revolution, Discipline construction, Communist Party of China, Historical experience, Stipulation, Enforcement
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