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Solidification phenomena in metal matrix nanocomposites

Posted on:2010-04-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:De Cicco, Michael PeterFull Text:PDF
Nanoparticles in metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs) were shown to act as catalysts for nucleation of solidification of the matrix alloy, as well as to alter the intermetallic phase formation. These phenomena were studied in zinc, aluminum, and magnesium alloys. In all alloys studied, a refinement of the microstructure was seen with the addition of the nanoparticles. Various types of nanoparticles were used and had varying degrees of refinement. In a zinc alloy, AC43A, SiC, TiC, and Al2O3 gamma nanoparticles were all found to refine the alloy. Thermal analysis of bulk samples showed the onset of solidification at reduced undercoolings, indicating nucleation catalysis. Nucleation of the primary phase was also observed by employing the droplet emulsion technique (DET). DET results showed that the secondary phase nucleation was also catalyzed by the nanoparticles.;Exploiting the nucleation catalysis of the nanoparticles and the associated grain refinement, a semi-solid casting (SSC) process was demonstrated in AC43A + SiC nanocomposites. This novel process successfully incorporated the strength enhancement of MMNCs and the casting quality benefits of SSC. This process required no additional processing steps or material handling typical of existing SSC processes. The nucleation catalysis of the nanoparticles was sufficient to create semi-solid slurries appropriate for SSC.;Nanoparticle induced nucleation catalysis was also examined in a common aluminum alloy, A356, using the DET. All nanoparticles catalyzed nucleation of the primary Al phase. However, undercoolings varied depending on the nanoparticle identity and average diameter. The variation in undercoolings generally agreed with a modified lattice disregistry theory and the free growth theory. For nanoparticles with a small lattice spacing mismatch with the Al phase, undercoolings approached the size dependent free growth limit.;Binary alloys of magnesium and zinc showed significant strength and ductility enhancements with the addition of 1.5 weight % SiC nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) study of the nanocomposite showed the MgZn2 phase among the nanoparticles and a reduction of the Mg 7Zn3 and Mg2Zn3 phases that were common in the monolithic samples. Thermal analysis supported this observed phase selection.;The demonstrated nucleation catalysis and phase selection resulted in processing and property enhancement in the MMNCs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nucleation, Nanoparticles, Matrix, Solidification, Phase, Mmncs, SSC, Alloy
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