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The effects of planning time and language levels on task performance of English language learners

Posted on:2010-04-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Nevada, RenoCandidate:Righettini, MarielenaFull Text:PDF
This quantitative study examined the effects of planning time and high and low language levels on the task-based language performance of 51 first and second grade English language learners. Language performance during the task was assessed in terms of accuracy, complexity, and fluency. Quantitative analysis made use of four 2 X 2 factorial ANOVAs to analyze the language proficiency variables of accuracy, complexity, and fluency during task performance. The rationale for collecting quantitative data was that it provided a broader and more balanced understanding of these constructs of language proficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, Planning time, Task performance, Quantitative, Education
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