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Enhancing couples' communication through Systemic-Constructivist Couple Therapy: The relationship between marital listening and relationship quality

Posted on:2011-08-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Doell, Faye KFull Text:PDF
Using a sample of fourteen distressed couples seeking marital therapy, the present study explored the relationship between the quality of listening demonstrated by married couples, their subjective experience of their relationship, and their shared relational identity ('we-ness'). Each couple received seven sessions of Systemic-Constructivist Couple Therapy, a therapeutic approach containing interventions designed to enhance the quality of marital listening, which has previously been found to increase couples' we-ness and relationship satisfaction. The quality of marital listening was measured through the use of self-report measures at the first and final sessions of therapy, along with self-report measures of relationship satisfaction, dyadic adjustment, mutuality and closeness. In addition, listening behaviors demonstrated by partners in videotaped problem discussions were reliably coded at the first, third and final sessions of therapy, and we-ness was coded from transcribed relationship discourse in the first and final sessions. As predicted, there were significant improvements in marital listening, relationship quality and we-ness following therapy. At the final session, behavioral listening scores. were related to both measures of relationship quality and we-ness. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship, Quality, Marital, Couple, We-ness
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