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Juror perceptions of sexual offender seriousness based on mitigating factors

Posted on:2017-04-20Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Alliant International UniversityCandidate:Espinoza, StephanieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390005464925Subject:Social psychology
The purpose of the current study is to examine potential juror perceptions of a sexual offender and the seriousness of the crime in question based on mitigating factors. What information given will influence the potential juror's opinion of the offender in question to being guilty of a more serious crime? Each of the factors could play a major role in deciding the seriousness of a crime, and ultimately, a verdict. An online questionnaire was created using Qualtrics Research Suite. Participants included 100 adults consisting of 20 men (20%) and 80 women (80%). All participants were required to be 18 years or older with no prior felonies and no past sexual trauma. Each participant was presented with a questionnaire, which consisted of three vignettes with four questions within each vignette, asking them to rate the seriousness of the offender in the hypothetical sexual offense on a scale. Participants were then presented with a series of demographic questions for descriptive purposes. Results indicated significant differences in age groups when the accused was assessed with a moderate likelihood of reoffending. Based on the information gathered, limitations of the current study and recommendations for future research are further discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sexual, Offender, Seriousness
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