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Adjunct faculty perceptions of needs in preparation to teach online

Posted on:2009-10-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Blodgett, Margaret CFull Text:PDF
With the rapid increase in online education offerings, institutions of higher education are hiring more adjunct faculty to teach online courses than to teach face-to-face. This descriptive, exploratory study used an online survey and focus group methodology to investigate faculty development experiences and preferences of adjunct faculty in preparation for online teaching. Additionally, participants were asked to share their preferences for involvement in the university community. The findings showed that while a variety of orientation and initial training experiences are available, most participants want more comprehensive faculty development and mentoring opportunities. Many would also like more involvement in the university community in ways that would lead to them being more valued members of the academic community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adjunct faculty, Online, Teach
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