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Predicting student success for community college students over a ten-year period

Posted on:2011-10-10Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Savona, Laurie AFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research is three pronged: (1) to describe the fall 2000 cohort of community college students in relation to the variables used in Tinto's Model of Student Departure for one multi-campus community college; (2) to determine the variables that lead to 3-year and 10-year graduation and transfer for this cohort; and (3) to examine the roles that initial academic aspiration and initial enrollment status play in predicting community college student graduation and transfer over time. The study provides a descriptive profile of the students attending Suffolk County Community College and identifies variables that predict persistence to graduation and transfer of students attending this institution. Logistic regressions determine the characteristics which predict the four outcomes, graduation within 3 years, graduation within 10 years, transfer within 3 years and transfer within 10 years.;Data are presented by campus and by outcome so researchers have opportunities to compare data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community college, Students, Transfer, Years
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