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Systemic development of student affairs at a newly established public four-year university: A case study

Posted on:2010-07-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Cotton, Trae TFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to make an assessment of the systemic organizational development of a student affairs unit at a newly established university. Systemic organizational development requires the growth of a vision, philosophy, or idea which will serve as a guide for how and why the organization functions. Although higher education scholarship presents information on the functional aspects of student affairs (i.e., the various offices and services), the organizational development of student affairs units has not been studied well. Senge's work on the learning organization provided the theoretical context for this qualitative explanatory case study, specifically the constructs of mental models, personal mastery, and shared vision. Data were collected from members of the division of student affairs at a newly established university, using surveys and interviews. Emergent themes were categorized and analyzed using Senge's three constructs of mental models, personal mastery, and shared vision. The staff reported operating with high levels of personal mastery and clear mental models, which resulted in the division possessing a strong, shared vision. When working together, these factors may support a division of student affairs' ability to help students to attain success. Positive social change can result from all students' achievement, supported throughout their collegiate career by student affairs divisions that function well systemically. A greater knowledge of systemic organizational development strengthens the education community's ability to respond to changes and challenges in the academic environment, particularly in the student services domain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student, Development, Systemic, Newly established, University
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