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The effects of a strengths -based assessment and development program on first-term Masters of Business Administration students and future academic success

Posted on:2010-06-06Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:George Fox UniversityCandidate:Hohn, Michael CFull Text:PDF
Adults returning to graduate school to acquire a master of business administration (MBA) degree face a myriad of challenges as they attempt to manage academic responsibilities, work, family, and social obligations. Currently, a number of educational professionals only look to identify and remediate student deficiencies. Developing existing strengths may serve as a positive influence to equip the adult graduate student with skills necessary to experience greater academic success. The objective of this study was to gain greater understanding of the potential benefits of using the online Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment in conjunction with a strengths development program with first-term, career-oriented MBA students as it pertains to the completion of an MBA program, academic motivation, and possible effects on future career success. Three research questions were addressed in this study: (1) How does a sample of MBA students perceive the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment as impacting their personal confidence in pursuing and completing an MBA program? (2) How does a sample of MBA students perceive the general utility of the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment in pursuing and completing an MBA program? (3) How does a sample of MBA students perceive the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment as impacting their future career expectations?;This qualitative research study sought to find meaning and understanding, rather than to verify concepts and theory or predict outcomes of the utility of a strengths-based online assessment and development program within a specific group of first-term MBA students. The overriding findings in this study revealed that students found an understanding of strengths and the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment as a positive factor for academic, career, and future job search success. Findings included increased personal confidence to continue an MBA program, greater optimism about completing an MBA program, a more positive self-awareness where their personal strengths lie, and opportunities to articulate concepts about strengths in general.
Keywords/Search Tags:MBA, Program, Strengths, Assessment, Academic, Future, Success, First-term
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