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Mentoring influences on retention of the early career teacher and enculturation of leadership behaviors in standards -based schools

Posted on:2008-10-11Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:George Fox UniversityCandidate:Allen, Janine FFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390005971612Subject:Elementary education
Current standards-based mandates in schools have, in effect, created a culture of conformity and diminished collaboration amongst educators in school communities enticing isolation of professionals. At the same time, classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse with a variety of cultures, languages, ethnic groups, learning styles and pupil needs creating a paradigm in which collaboration and cooperation of efforts is necessary to sustain purposeful efforts of the educator. Findings from the current study indicate that district influences and insistence on the standardization of the learning process is perceived by teachers as a loss of educator empowerment and value. Within this paradigm, how does the early career teacher navigate the standards-based culture, offer relevant teaching experiences and maintain a commitment to the classroom? An exploratory follow-up study with an intact group of elementary teacher participants in the state of Oregon was explored to investigate factors which contribute to teacher retention, attrition and movement within the education profession. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between teacher preparation, contextual influences and mentoring received as an early career teacher with commitment to the teaching profession, beliefs about the teaching-learning process and current leadership behaviors.;Participants who moved within the profession gave reasons of daily survival based on work load and district insistence regarding standardization of the learning process. Participants who actively considered leaving the profession shared stories of negative leadership influences from principals as an early career teacher and unsupportive colleagues. Teacher efficacy was influenced not only by administration within the school building but also by the acceptance of philosophical differences from mentors.;A mixed method analysis of data gathered during the first three years of teaching and current participant interviews five years later were explored. Data findings indicated that teachers are discouraged by the current standards mandates and retention is largely impacted by the amount of support, value and influence teachers have within their school communities.;The researcher gives recommendation of professional learning communities within school buildings to invite professionalism, critical inquiry, shared decision making and investigation of impact. Suggestions are offered for both teacher preparation programs and administrator training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, School, Influences, Retention, Leadership, Current
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