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The quality of the doctoral experience in education at historically Black colleges and universities

Posted on:2007-02-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Garrett, Rodney UlyssesFull Text:PDF
This study describes the experiences of doctoral students in education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The study focused only on the 14 HBCUs that offer doctoral degrees in education. Twelve of the 14 eligible institutions agreed to participate in the study.; A total of 47 doctoral students who were in their third year of study or close to completion participated in the study. These doctoral students completed a survey that was utilized in a national study of doctoral students at predominately white institutions and Ivy League institutions conducted by Golde and Dore in 2001. The purpose of this study was to determine if doctoral students in education at HBCUs are receiving a quality education and if they are being adequately prepared for their careers. This study offers 368 findings from which the doctoral experience in education at HBCUs can be comprehensively evaluated. It was determined that doctoral students in education at HBCUs do receive a quality education and are being effectively prepared for their careers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doctoral, Education, Historically black colleges, Prepared for their careers, Quality
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