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Cashless college: Credit card debt among college students and the leadership role of academic institutions

Posted on:2010-06-02Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Saez, Megen EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002971389Subject:Business Administration
Students are accumulating high levels of credit card debt without understanding how to manage their finances. In this quantitative study, a validated survey instrument was used to determine a correlation between student's demographic background, attitudes, knowledge, and financial management of credit card debt among college students to implement the leadership role of academic institutions. The survey results show that a correlation does exist between the student's demographic background, attitudes towards credit cards, and knowledge of credit cards with how they use and manage their finances. The recommendation is made that academic institutions take a leadership role in helping students understand financial management through courses and other informative venues to explain the risks for obtaining credit cards.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit card, Students, Leadership role, Academic institutions, Management, Manage their finances, Business administration, Demographic background attitudes
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