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Futures expertise and sustainability in the competent practice of strategy and organization consulting

Posted on:2014-06-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fielding Graduate UniversityCandidate:Brooker, Catherine WFull Text:PDF
As the Earth Charter Commission (2000) proposed, we live in a time when humanity must choose its future. This research study builds on the central premise that the ability to consider possible, alternate futures is an important business skill. This ability, framed in the study as futures expertise, contributes to ways in which strategy and organization consultants can help their clients respond to uncertainty and discontinuous change.;This research study gives voice to the experiences of exceptional strategy and organization consultants who demonstrate futures expertise in their personal and professional lives. Using purposeful sampling, the research study focuses on exemplary cases to learn about the specific phenomenon of futures expertise in the competent practice of strategy and organization consulting. Strategy and organization consultants with futures expertise are in a position to contribute significantly to organization effectiveness for sustainability (Mohrman & Shani, 2011).;The research study situates futures expertise within the theoretical framework of studies on expertise and expert performance. The research design is consistent with the use of retrospective interviews and interpretive approaches to the elicitation of knowledge from experts (Goldman, 2005; Sosniak, 2006). The research design is also informed by appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider, 1986; Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2008 ). Twelve OD consultants were selected as participants from recommendations of referral sources. Each OD consultant was invited to participate in a series of three, in-depth interviews (Seidman, 2006).;Results of the study include consultants' profiles and eight categories that address aspects of futures expertise. These categories include life and professional experiences that contribute to futures expertise, future present experiences, consultants' views of the client, future-oriented responses to their clients or client systems, views of their professional lives 5 years out, images of the future in service of life, sustainability as a strategic choice, and consultants' suggestions for the professional development of futures expertise.;A discussion of the results suggests three dimensions of futures expertise: characteristics of futures expertise, factors contributing to the acquisition of futures expertise, and applications of futures expertise. This study has relevance for the fields of expertise and expert performance, organization effectiveness for sustainability, organization development, corporate and nonprofit strategy, change leadership, and change management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expertise, Organization, Strategy, Sustainability, Research study
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