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Violence education: An analysis of instructional methods used to teach nursing students about intimate partner violence

Posted on:2014-01-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Wallace, Cara LFull Text:PDF
Nurses in all areas of healthcare are exposed to patients who are suspected or actual victims of intimate partner violence. Many times nurses report a general lack of knowledge in regard to the topic. Therefore, it is paramount for nursing educators to identify effective methods to teach their students about intimate partner violence in an effort to prepare them for their eventual professional practice. This study utilized a quantitative research methodology to explore the impact of online simulation and instructor-led teaching methods on nursing student knowledge of intimate partner violence. The intent of this study was to determine the most effective method for teaching nursing students about intimate partner violence. The study findings revealed no statistical difference in use of teaching method, thereby suggesting both online simulation and instructor-led methods can be seen as effective in nursing education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intimate partner, Education, Methods, Online simulation and instructor-led
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