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Reflective Assessment, Feedback, and Student Achievement in Foreign Language Studies: A Mixed Methods Study

Posted on:2014-03-30Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Seattle Pacific UniversityCandidate:Kourilenko, Irina NickolayevnaFull Text:PDF
This study was designed to investigate the effects of reflective assessment on the academic achievement of high school students during the first year of the French language, N = 85. A mixed-methods, quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest control group design was employed in the study. Three intact classrooms were randomly assigned to the one of three treatment conditions, two of which practiced reflective assessment without teacher feedback in one group. It was the reflective assessment intervention that served as the independent variable in the study. The third group served as the control group, and received traditional curriculum of the first year of French.;An instrument was developed that was aligned with the lessons taught to the three experimental groups. This measure served as the dependent variable in the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe the demographic nature of the sample and to analyze the data. The inferential statistics were also used to analyze the results of a retention test that was administered six weeks following the end of the study.;The posttest data gathered during the quantitative phase of the study did not reveal a statistically significant difference between the achievement of students who practiced the reflective strategy and the achievement of students in both the comparison and control groups. However, students who practiced the reflective strategy scored significantly higher on the retention test, which was a re-administration of the posttest. Likewise, the qualitative strand results emphasized the reflective assessment and teacher and peer feedback as aids to learning and building a sense of community in the classroom. In addition, the students in the experimental and comparison groups noted in their essays, responses to the survey, and interview questions that two prompts Clear/Unclear Windows and Week in Review were the most efficacious techniques to promote academic achievement in French.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reflective assessment, Achievement, Students, Feedback
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