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Multiple intelligences and experiential learning styles: A mixed method study of registered nurses' attitudes toward computers and web-based learning

Posted on:2012-05-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Pack, JeanetteFull Text:PDF
The problem for this research was to better understand registered nurses' attitudes toward computers and online learning models in nursing education. The purpose of this study was to understand the quality of learning, via the various learning styles, of students who were registered nurses to determine whether their attitudes towards the use of computers contributed to resistance to computer usage in their education and professional practice. The sample in this study were 166 registered nurses who were students and alumni of a university in the Midwestern United States. The design of the study was a mixed method sequential design, the research techniques explored nurses' attitudes towards computers to determine whether a correlation was present between the variables of multiple intelligence, experiential learning, learning styles, and web-based learning. The instruments used in this research were a demographic questionnaire, the Nurses Attitudes Toward Computers Questionnaire (Stronge & Brodt, 1985), the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scale (Shearer, 1994; Gardner, 1983), and the Learning Styles Inventory (LS3), (Kolb, 2005). Quantitative data analysis included parametric and nonparametric statistics, including Pearson's correlations. Thematic analysis was the method chosen to analyze qualitative. The quantitative and qualitative data results revealed that registered nurses were not resistant about using computers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Registered nurses, Computers, Learning styles, Multiple, Method
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