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The economic impact of Western New Mexico University on the southwest New Mexico regional economy

Posted on:2014-03-14Degree:D.E.DType:Dissertation
University:New Mexico State UniversityCandidate:Chavez, Steven MFull Text:PDF
Western New Mexico University was founded in 1893 as a teacher's college. It has evolved into a four-year institution offering more than 70 fields of study with 41 baccalaureate programs, 27 associate and certificate programs, and 10 graduate degree options. Its main campus is located in Grant County, New Mexico. Total enrollment in the 2011-2012 academic school year was approximately 3400 full time equivalent students.;The goal of this project was to determine the economic impacts of Western New Mexico University on a regional economy consisting of Grant, Hidalgo, and Luna Counties in southwestern New Mexico. This analysis included the export base and skill base enhancement approaches. An input/output model was used to analyze the economic impacts of various forms of direct expenditures associated with the university. The total economic impact of the university on the regional economy was estimated to be...
Keywords/Search Tags:New mexico, Economic, Regional
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