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Midlife journeys of transvaluation and meeting the feminine through heroic descent: An organic inquiry with 10 men and 8 women

Posted on:2004-04-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Institute of Transpersonal PsychologyCandidate:Gauthier, Julie AudetteFull Text:PDF
This study explored transformative change at midlife, including the rebalancing of masculine and feminine qualities within the psyche, in the context of the hero's journey described by Joseph Campbell marked by withdrawal from the world, a death of the identity the individual has known, and rebirth and return to the world. Also called the transvaluative process by Michael Washburn, these changes mark the beginning of the individuation process described by Carl Jung whereby we become more authentically ourselves. The descent phase of this process brings to consciousness the elements Jung called shadow---the darker, less conscious elements of the psyche---and aligns the ego with the greater Self. An organic research method was used to interview 10 men and 8 women, ages 42--63, to obtain their experience of transformative midlife change. The interviews were used to (a) create stories of midlife experience; (b) examine whether that participant made a descent consisting of the stages of transformation; and (c) determine whether and how the masculine and feminine polarities within the psyche came into a greater balance, known as the inner marriage or partnership by Marion Woodman. It was determined that all participants made a descent and many made multiple descents in the service of healthy ego development and expanded self-awareness as a result of meeting aspects of the shadow. Participants emerged with a changed sense of identity; more complex thinking; greater inner authority; and increased self-acceptance, desire and capacity for relationship, spiritual awareness, and desire to give back. All participants described an increase in the experience of feminine qualities and a healthier expression of masculine qualities that suggested a greater balance between them leading to a more whole and integrated personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Midlife, Feminine, Descent, Masculine, Qualities, Greater
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