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The governance of Korea's urban coastal zone: The political economy of environment and development policy

Posted on:1998-04-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Kang, Jung-WoonFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390014478334Subject:Political science
The purpose of this study is to add to our body of knowledge concerning urban coastal management in industrializing countries. It does so initially by looking at how the interaction between the structural conditions of the world economy and a centralized, authoritarian regime committed to economic growth have shaped the development of urbanized coastal areas in Korea. Then it explores the requirements of building a democratic and integrated urban coastal management system. To do this, the study examines the recent transformation of Korea to democratic rule, decentralizing governmental powers to the provincial and municipal levels, and citizen movements and current steps to administratively coordinate marine policy and establish a national system of integrated coastal management. Given this context, an analysis is made, using case studies of the Masan Bay area, of the extent to which these institutional and political changes are likely to foster and constrain sustainable coastal management policies in which there is a well-articulated role for municipal participation. Based on the results of this research concerning the political dynamics of coastal policy making, a polycentric model is proposed for new metropolitan-scale coastal institutions that would have the capacity to strengthen democratic urban governance generally, as well as to contribute to greater emphasis on environmental values at the national and local levels. In addition, the study provides a point of departure for further comparative research and knowledge-building which can have practical application for democratic and environmentally-balanced coastal governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coastal, Governance, Political, Democratic
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