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The market microstructure of preferred stocks: An empirical investigation

Posted on:1999-08-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Illessy, Janos KristofFull Text:PDF
This study investigates whether the hybrid nature of preferred stock is reflected in its market microstructure and, in particular, the process in which information is incorporated into its market price. Theory would suggest that information flows, informational asymmetry and transactions costs of trading associated with various kinds of preferred stocks would differ depending on whether debt-type or equity-type asset characteristics dominate in them. Specifically, debt dominated assets are expected to rely more heavily on non-firm specific information, be exposed to adverse selection to a lesser extent and have lower information asymmetry induced transactions costs than securities dominated by equity features. This study empirically tests this prediction. The main result in this dissertation is that asset characteristics affect microstructure parameters. In particular, the higher the equity dominance in straight preferred stock, the lower the public information induced volatility and the higher the information asymmetry induced transactions cost and the adverse selection component of the effective spread. Such patterns are not detectable in the case of convertible preferred stock. This is attributed to the existence of a lead-lag relation between this security and its underlying common stock. Finally, the results also indicate that infrequent trading has a significant impact on the adverse selection component of the spread.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preferred stock, Market, Microstructure, Adverse selection
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