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The role of social comments in online problem-solving groups

Posted on:2004-12-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Brigham Young UniversityCandidate:Molinari, Deana LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011460094Subject:Health Sciences
This report of a grounded theory study focuses on the role of social communications during an online group problem solving class. Social messages are words, fonts, punctuation, graphics, and sentences not pertaining directly to the problem-solving task. The proposed theory states that students working collaboratively and asynchronously with people they do not know use social communication to overcome feelings of emotional and geographical distance. The emerging central theme is "connection", which is described with four sub-themes. Connection is defined as feelings of closeness, understanding, or access. Registered nurses in a distance education course used self-revelation, tying, and etiquette strategies to build and maintain working relationships with group members, while operating within the group's unwritten rules of process and trying to find meaning in the learning experience. The contextual sub-theme of connection to technology provided a framework for all messages. Social commentary provided a foundation for problem-solving activity. Instructors are encouraged to consider enhancing social connections as a means of accomplishing primary course objectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social, Problem-solving
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