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Retirement transitions of collegiate student-athletes experiencing career-ending injury

Posted on:2012-08-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Volpe, Julia D. EFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of collegiate student-athletes who retired from athletics due to career-ending injury from a developmental perspective. Fifteen former collegiate athletes who retired from competition in NCAA Division I athletic programs participated in interviews. Interviews were guided by an interview protocol addressing topics considered relevant based on literature review: Athletic identity, experience of injury and leaving the sport, transitions upon retirement, friendships with teammates, participant resources, and current role of sports in their lives. Despite the existence of an interview protocol, interviews were loosely structured and topics discussed were open to participant influence. Broad themes derived from the data include: (1) modified, but enduring athletic identity, (2) increasing emphasis and development in academic and social dimensions of identity, and (3) varying extents to which participants perceived control over their decision to retire and the difference this appeared to make in their experiences. Themes are discussed in relation to prior literature and theoretical frameworks used to guide the study. Considerations for coaches, athletic trainers, counselors, student-athlete service personnel, and other professionals working with collegiate student-athletes retiring due to injury and suggestions for future research are included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collegiate student-athletes, Injury, Athletic
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