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Vital Indicators of Teacher-directed Academic Learning (VITAL): Effects of a behavioral staff development model on teacher behaviors, instructional environments, academic responding, and student achievement

Posted on:2002-12-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of KansasCandidate:Mausbach, Ann ThereseFull Text:PDF
Relatively few behavioral staff development models exist that are designed for use in public schools with classroom teachers, and even fewer are supported by convincing evidence that they actually change teacher behavior, the instructional environment, and improve students' behavior and learning. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of a staff development model that used performance feedback on teachers' use of effective teaching practices in reading and classroom reading activities known to accelerate students' academic engagement. Performance feedback was based on regular “check-ups” of student performance in order to determine when changes in instruction were needed and successful. A Vital Indicators of Teacher-directed Academic Learning or a (VITAL) signs for learning check-up was developed based on behavioral procedures in order to provide performance feedback on student and teacher behavior as well as conditions in the classroom environment known to promote learning.; Based on the experiences of three 5th grade teachers and representative students, results indicated that: (a) teachers implemented the VITAL feedback procedures at high levels, (b) the use of VITAL resulted in changed ecological arrangements in each classroom, (c) the use of the VITAL feedback training procedure resulted in changes in teacher behavior, and (d) positive changes in student's academic responding. Implications and limitations are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, Behavior, Staff development, VITAL, Academic, Student, Classroom
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