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Perceptions of upper level higher education administrators and legislative officials in Alabama concerning the fiscal management and funding of four-year public colleges within the higher education system of Alabama

Posted on:1996-10-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of AlabamaCandidate:Adams, H. GregoryFull Text:PDF
This dissertation examines the perceptions of upper level higher education administrators in the Alabama four-year public colleges and legislative officials concerning how university fiscal affairs should be managed and where the funding will be obtained to operate universities in the next decade. The survey questionnaire compiles responses to questions in four categories: (1) Current Funding Status, (2) Funding Efficiency, (3) Future Funding Sources, and (4) Administrative Skills Needed for Good Fiscal Management. The upper level higher education administrators questioned includes three groups: (1) senior administrators (all presidents, vice-presidents, chancellors, comptrollers, etc), (2) deans, and (3) non academic support personnel (all directors, registrars, etc). These administrators were selected from fourteen four-year public colleges in Alabama. The legislative officials include all senators and members of the House of Representatives in the State of Alabama. The 233 administrators and 51 legislative officials who responded rate their level of agreement to the item/statements on a 5-point scale. The perceptions of the five groups differ significantly on the first three sections of the questionnaire and are somewhat similar on the skills section. Opinions vary on where funding should be obtained and include a wide range of possibilities from increased property tax to casino gambling and state lotteries. Opinions vary on how efficiently universities are operated with deans expressing the most satisfaction toward present management outcomes. Legislators tend to feel that universities are adequately funded now and need to manage what they have better. Opinions vary on how universities should be funded and what funding schemes are most efficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Upper level higher education administrators, Four-year public colleges, Legislative officials, Funding, Alabama, Perceptions, Opinions vary, Management
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