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Frequency stabilization of a traveling wave semiconductor ring laser using a fiber resonator as a frequency reference

Posted on:1996-06-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M UniversityCandidate:Peng, En TitusFull Text:PDF
A fiber ring resonator with a temperature drift rate of better than 5 Because of the strong dependence of index perturbation to temperature and pressure changes, fiber based interferometers require temperature control for use as a frequency reference. If fiber interferometer can be made sufficiently stable, it has many distinct advantages over atomic vapors such as, long term reliability, and low cost. In addition, it is not necessary to search for the absorption line that matches the desired wavelength for the laser to be stabilized. The theory of all fiber ring resonator is given in the manuscript. It shows that the finesse of the ring resonator is governed by the directional coupler loss, fiber attenuation, and fiber loop length. Two independently temperature controlled ring resonators were used to frequency stabilize two ring lasers independently. The profile of temperature drift of a ring resonator was made different from the other to investigate the absolute frequency stabilization. A frequency stability of about 600 kHz/hour is achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ring, Fiber, Frequency, Resonator, Temperature
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