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Biogeochemistry of organic matter deposition and diagenesis in Bering - Chukchi and Gulf of Mexico sediments

Posted on:1989-04-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Caughey, Michael EugeneFull Text:PDF
he research described focused on two biogeochemical processes: (1) the formation of ;Active diapirism has produced extensive deformation and faulting of Quaternary sediments in the Green Canyon area of the upper slope off the Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico. Piston-cored sediments from the faulted area contain macroscopic inclusions of petroleum and natural gas hydrates, as well as isotopically anomalous authigenic and skeletal carbonates. Calcite, aragonite and dolomite with ;Analyses of suites of sediment grab samples from the continental shelves of the eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas and the northwestern Gulf of Mexico provide insights into patterns of organic matter distribution in shallow marine environments. Carbon:nitrogen ratios and...
Keywords/Search Tags:Gulf, Mexico
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