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Do modality choices affect retention in the business of higher education

Posted on:2016-08-20Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Anderson, Rebekah LFull Text:PDF
In the business of higher education, customer retention is key to a successful business model. With the dramatic increase in online learning, which has consistently had lower retention rates than traditional on-ground learning, it is critical to understand the factors involved. This research studies on-ground undergraduate students who have the choice of taking some of their courses in an online modality. These undergraduate students are broken up into two groups for this study, those that chose to take all their courses on-ground, and those who chose to take at least one of their courses online. The researcher analyzed four factors across these two groups: student age at the time they started their program, SAT scores, high school grade point averages, and graduation rates. The results indicated that there are statistically significant differences in SAT scores, high school GPA, and graduation rates between the two groups. The results also indicated that there was not a significant difference in student ages between the two groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Retention, Business
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