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An intelligent path mechanism in hypertext: Information filtering using artificial intelligence in a cooperative problem-solving environment

Posted on:1991-07-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Rodgers, Cheryl WileyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017951322Subject:Computer Science
In recent years researchers have begun experimenting with coupling executable code with hypertext to transform what was once considered a basically passive medium into an active one. The cooperative problem solving application described in this paper performs two functions. The first is algorithmic problem solving; the second provides online reference material on demand during a problem solving session. The algorithmic problem solver was implemented using an intelligent path embedded in a hypertext document. The path itself represented the basic design algorithm of the application domain; procedures attached to the path nodes complete the problem solving function.; Online domain specific reference material is available at any point during a problem solving session to provide assistance to the user. If the reference material is used during a problem solving session, a filtering mechanism is available to control navigational access in the hypertext document. Filtering has the effect of pruning the search space available for browsing thereby focusing the user on material that is pertinent to the task at hand.; Hypertext systems have been described as consisting of three components: file access, hypertext representation, and user interface. The research reported in this paper describes the use of a fourth component which applies predicates to node and link attributes to produce indices for the purpose of achieving information filtering as means of managing navigational access in a hypertext network.; Both the intelligent path mechanism and the information filtering mechanism are described in this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hypertext, Information filtering, Intelligent path, Mechanism, Problem, Solving
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