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Causal relations between technological change and off-farm migration in the United States

Posted on:1991-12-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Park, Chang GiFull Text:PDF
This study analysed the push-pull forces on off-farm migration at the national level for 1920-1976, and at the local level for 1939-1976. Moreover this study examined the unsolved causal issue between off-farm migration and mechanization.;The result of the two-stage least squares method suggested one-way causality from off-farm migration to farm mechanization. This result supports the theory that farm migration induces farm mechanization.;The Granger causality test also indicated one-way causality from off-farm migration to farm mechanization. However, there was some evidence for feedback effects after 1945.;In the case of the Delta States, the regression analysis showed farm mechanization had a significant positive relation with off-migration. Moreover the Granger causality test showed the causation runs from farm mechanization to off-farm migration. These findings confirmed the view that farm mechanization induced off-migration in Southern Cotton Farms.;The regression results showed the potential role of push-pull factors in explaining off-farm migration. Farm migration was significant in the farm mechanization equation, while mechanization was found to significantly affect off-farm migration. This results support the theory that farm mechanization induces off-farm migration and that off-farm migration induces farm mechanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Off-farm migration, Farm mechanization, Theory that farm, Economics, Granger causality test
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