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The Criminal Prosecutions Under Tempering Justice With Mercy

Posted on:2009-01-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486302726485304Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Study Purpose of the Thesis is:1.Try to make up for the weak link of the problems study and fill in the empty of study of law and the thesis of doctor.From the angle of requirement and collection of learning fruits of the task,we still haven’t found the monograph that elaborates tempering justice with mercy and criminal prosecutions professionally.The articles related to the problem are always seen on the newspaper and magazines as well as memoir.Therefore systematically elaborating tempering justice with mercy under the field of penal prosecutions offers a new visual angle for the study of our country’s criminal policies and the inspection system of Chinese characteristic socialism.2.Conclude,summary and extract the twenty misplaces when inspecting office carrying out tempering justice with mercy and criminal policies,and put forward twenty logos that inspection office should establish.3.From theory to practice,to response to tempering justice with mercy of law field,criminal policies can just be used in entity law,but not procedure law.4.The conclusion extracted the successful experience of Liaoyuan City People’s Procuratorate setting inspectors in detaining place.5.For the problems in criminal policies while carrying out tempering justice with mercy,the article gave legislation advice and justice reform suggestion.The Ways of Study of the Thesis:In order to elaborate the criminal prosecutions under the field of view of tempering justice with mercy,the thesis will use the following methods to carry out a systematical study:The first one is the analysis of history.Get to the root of a matter. Arrange the criminal policy origin of tempering justice with mercy and state now by inspecting the past as well as foreseeing the future;The second one is the comparison.According to a certain standard, take a comparison for things,comparison,and classification so as to suggest the nature of things.Comparison makes difference;The third one is analysis.Analyze the data by the first-hand material in inspection practice so as to get a correct demonstration;The fourth one is systematically demonstration.That is to consider the job of Attorney Business as a systematical study to demonstrate the relationship and use between tempering justice with mercy and criminal policies;The fifth one is dialectical analysis.That is to use dialectical materialism to analyze the rationality of carrying out tempering justice with mercy in inspection link,especially when we unite wide and strict organically so as to avoid walking from an extreme to another extreme.The Content of the Thesis:The task is on the base of reference document,combining with the practice of criminal prosecutions,clearing the origin of tempering justice with mercy,penetrating its theory base,locking the functional localization of tempering justice with mercy in criminal prosecutions,so as to explore how criminal prosecutions profession carries out the tempering justice with mercy.In the study of the article,it’s important to solve the following problems:the first one is the problem of origin and flow of criminal policies in tempering justice with mercy;the second is the theory base of tempering justice with mercy and scientific reading;the third is the functional localization of tempering justice with mercy in prosecutions;the fourth is the use of tempering justice with mercy in section link;the fifth is the use of tempering justice with mercy in public prosecution;the sixth is the exploration and practice of tempering justice with mercy in the inspection office in Liaoyuan.We believe the article can promote and guide the concrete use of tempering justice with mercy in prosecutions greatly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tempering Justice With mercy, Criminal Policy, Prosecutions, Inspection, Public Prosecution
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