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The Research On The Relationship Adjustment Between Central And Local Governments From The Perspective Of Local Governance Since The Reform And Openness

Posted on:2022-09-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1526306608977539Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relation between central and local governments is an important principle in the political and economic life of the country.Since the establishment of People’s Republic of China,The relationship between central and local governments is always in the process of dynamic evolution.In the era of traditional planning economy,the evolution characteristics of the relationship between central and local governments is a reciprocating cycle of Power collection and delegation.After the reform and opening up,Especially since the 18th Party Congress of China,with the reform of the fiscal-tax systems and government institutions,The central and local governments’relationship has been adjusted,Remarkable achievements have been made in China’s economic and political restructuring.even so,Because of its complexity and historical inertia,The contradiction between central and local governments has not been effectively resolved.It is a practical and theoretical problem between the central and local governments.When it comes to practicality,it’s a real problem that almost every country has to face.Only when the relationship is well handled,can the country’s political and economic life be in an orderly state of development.The theoretical property lies in the fact that it is not only a simple objective phenomenon,but also has very rich connotations.It involves economic,political,legal,cultural and historical factors such as the nature of the state,the organization form of political power,the structure form of the state,and the management principle of the state.It is an important factor in the complicated social relations and has important theoretical value.From a large number of theoretical literature and policy materials at home and abroad,It can be seen that people always solve the relationship from the view of a center,especially emphasize the subordination of local governments to the central government.After the 18th Party Congress of China,Under the background of strengthening the modernization of China’s system and capacity of governance,The value ideas of legalization,decentralization and cooperation in local governance make a new perspective between central and local governments.The mode of local governance breaks the previous thinking of binary opposition of central-local relationship:centralization or decentralization.It began to seek a new development path of cooperation between governments and civil society.Since the reform and opening up,With the decentralization reform and the establishment and improvement of the market economy,the relative independence and autonomy of the social organizations and individual citizens have been continuously enhanced.All these have reshaped the relationship between the government and the public and laid a social institutional foundation for the governance of local governments in China.Therefore,it can be concluded that local governance is realized with the constant adjustment of power between the central and local governments in China.At the same time,The value concept of local governance also provides a new way of thinking and system for solving the traditional inter-governmental relations.The value concept of local governance includes:Local governance is the process of power differentiation among government,market and society;Local governance advocates that the government should establish network structure with other members of the society,The governance of public affairs should be implemented through decentralization,diversified cooperation,mutual consultation and upper and lower interaction.Local governance is considered to be the ideal place for decentralization and democratic governance.Decentralization,cooperation,consultation,up-down interaction,partnership,network structure and other governance concepts provide new ideas and paths for solving the relationship between the central and local governments in China.Under the multi-center governance concept aimed at local governance,the relationship should be handled by adhering to the authoritative leadership of the central government,reasonably dividing the responsibilities and powers of the central and local governments according to the nature of public affairs,and constructing the consultation and cooperation between the central and local governments in the handling of public affairs.When the central government entrusts local governments to handle its affairs,it needs legally entrust,financial support and personnel arrangements.The authority of the central government and the autonomy of local governments at all levels are guaranteed by laws and that,the local governments are gradually transformed from "agency" of the central government and the higher governments into the "legal agents" of local public interests.At the same time,changing the pattern of government as the only power center in society,Through authorization and decentralization,multi-center organizational system arrangements such as non-governmental organizations and civil society are introduced into the production and provision of public services and goods.To further form effective social checks and balances on state governance activities,make the operation of state power tend to be more standard and reasonable,Then realize the Positive interaction between the state and society,the central and the local government.Based on the analysis of the social ecological environment of the rise of local governance in China after the reform and opening up,this paper believed that the decentralization and market reform in China and the consensus of the whole society from the central to the local on some basic concepts of reform and opening up have laid an important institutional environment foundation for the rise of local governance.In terms of the relationship between government and society,social organizations are developing and growing,social management is changing to social governance,and social capital is changing from unit type to network type.In terms of the relationship between government and market,non-public economy and civil society are rising.In terms of internal government relations,local interests are expanding rapidly,and local governments are transforming from simple agents of the central government into relatively independent interest subjects.Using the theory of new institutionalism,this paper analyzes the internal mechanism of the evolution of central and local government governance behavior from three aspects:historical development,bureaucratic organization and individual officials.From the perspective of sociological institutionalism,China’s modernization and social transformation supply and expand the total amount of social resources available for distribution for the adjustment of central-local relationship.The principal-agent mechanism of bureaucratic organization,the role of "economic man"of officials and the competitive bidding system of official evaluation in Our country all have an important impact on the governance behavior of local governments.With the decentralization and market reform,With the decentralization and market reform,the central government’s local governance has undergone great changes,There have been big changes in the way that the central government controls local areas.The central government has changed from direct control over all affairs to indirect control over local governments mainly through financial and administrative policies,personnel promotion and assessment,selective centralization,etc.The role and behavior pattern of local government have also undergone profound changes:from operating enterprises to operating cities;The government becomes the main body of system innovation;The government becomes the promoter of market.Under the framework of market-oriented and decentralization reform,the changing behaviors of central and local governments in China have in turn affected the adjustment of the relationship between the central and local governments.It is mainly manifested in the following aspects:the influence of principal-agent problem on the function of the relationship between central and local government;The influence of local government’s pursuit of economic interests on central and local financial relations;The influence of decentralization reform on the adjustment of central-local power relations and the influence of cross-regional governance on central-local hierarchical relations.Local governance in China is realized in the constant adjustment of power between central and local governments,and the value concept of local governance also provides a new idea and system path for solving the traditional inter-governmental relations.From the value concept of local governance,the construction of central-local relations in China should follow the following main principles:unity and diversity,balance centralization and decentralization,duties correspond to rights,unite democracy and the rule of law.The basic ways to adjust the relationship between the central and local governments include:In terms of power construction,it should break out of the traditional thinking of decentralization and centralization,transcend the zero-sum game,and establish an institutional power with compatible interests.It includes:First,equal consultation and mutual supervision,and institutionalized decentralization.Taking the central and local governments as the exercisers of state sovereignty,they are equal in performing their respective functions and They should be responsible to their citizens.From the perspective of equality and cooperation,they should consult with each other,communicate with each other and work with each other to achieve win-win cooperation between the central and local governments.Second,It should establish a reasonable,standardized and regular mechanism for the expression of local interests.Specialized agencies at the central level(The State Council,the National People’s Congress,or the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress)should be set up to represent local interests and help local governments reflect their opinions and demands to the central government on major national or trans-regional issues such as the allocation of resources and the formulation of public policies by the central government.At the same time,the central government can also establish a standard interest compensation mechanism to achieve the coordination and balance of interests among various local interest subjects.The democratic principle of decentralization and adjustment should be implemented to establish a balanced relationship between the central government and local governments,between the central government and the people,and between local governments and the people.The traditional one-way linear relationship between central government,local government and people,the relationship between domination and controlled,and the relationship between regulation and controlled should be transformed into a mutual loyalty "partnership".Building the functional relationship between central and local governments,adhere to the principle of balanced allocation of rights,responsibilities and interests.On the basis of clarifying the powers and responsibilities of governments at all levels,it is necessary to match the expenditure responsibilities according to the powers and then divide the fiscal revenues of governments at all levels according to the powers and expenditure responsibilities,so as to achieve "equal responsibilities and unification of affairs and finances" to match fiscal powers and powers with expenditure responsibilities.First,define the boundary of government functions and define the scope of government powers from a macro perspective.According to the principle of market first,society effective and government limited,define the boundary between government and market,government and society.Secondly,the attribute of public goods is taken as the core standard for the allocation of authority:all national public goods that involve the interests of the whole country and need unified national action are provided by the central government;Local public goods are provided locally,This division principle can establish a clear decentralization model between the central and local governments.Taking responsiveness and demand orientation as the important path of central and local authority allocation,Expenditure is determined by matter,and change the phenomenon of "the higher government treats the guests and the lower government pays the bill",and realize the goal of "who treats the guests and pays the bill".On the basis of the compatibility between administrative power and expenditure responsibility,the relationship between administrative power and financial power and financial resources should be further considered.According to the functions of the central and local governments,the fiscal powers of the central and local governments should be rationally divided,and a basic inter-governmental fiscal system,a fiscal transfer payment system and a taxation system should be established to "match the responsibility of public expenditure management with the financial resources".Finally,establish and improve relevant laws and regulations to promote the law-based division of administrative,financial and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments.Establish partnership multi-center network governance at the central and local level:First of all,it is a network relationship led by the central government and participated by multiple subjects.In the multi-center cooperative governance,the central government’s leading role is reflected in direction guidan ce,rule making and governance supervision.Secondly,in terms of horizontal relations,local autonomy should be respected,extensive participation should be promoted,consensus should be sought and cooperation realized through consultation and negotiation on the basis of respecting the legitimate interests and demands of local governments.At the same time,the government,as the key role of cooperative governance,should start from the policy issues,as far as possible to absorb non-governmental organizations,private sector,individual citizens and other subjects to jointly undertake the responsibility of public affairs governance,so as to enhance the social understanding and support of government policies.We will improve communication and coordination mechanisms between the central and local governments and between the government and society,and strengthen contacts,communication and dialogue between the central and local governments.In the construction of central-local political relations,adhere to the principle of democracy and rule of law:In terms of the relationship between the central government and local governments,democracy is manifested as follows:state power comes from the people,and the central government exercises unified leadership over the whole country.Local governments must,under the leadership of the central government,focus on regional interests and ensure that local governments accept unified leadership from the central government,and the local government should be responsible to local people and subject to supervision by local people.At the same time,democracy cannot be separated from the rule of law,and the implementation of democracy needs the guarantee of the rule of law.Therefore,to thoroughly solve the relationship between the central and local governments in China,the primary task is to build the relationship between the central and local governments through democratization and rule of law.First of all,at the constitutional level,a Law on the Relationship between the Central government and the local government is formulated to define the principle,content,supervision mechanism and procedure of power division between the central government and the local government.The realization of the relationship between the central and local government under the rule of law not only ensures the authority of the central government,but also safeguards the power and interests of the local government.To build an effective rights protection mechanism and fully consider the appeal of local interests,local governments should be fully involved in major decisions or laws,so that the central policy process can fully reflect the appeal of local interests.Secondly,build an institutional platform for democratic governance that guarantees citizens’ political participation:First,improve the institutionalized level of citizens’ political participation;Second,protect citizens’rights from infringement by others,society and even the government;Third,establish an unconstitutional review system for resolving the relationship between the central and local governments in accordance with the law,Constitutional review is the final guarantee for the law-based relationship between the central and local governments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local Governance, Reform and Openness, Adjustment, Relationship between Central and Local Governments
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