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Synthesis Of The Heterocyclic Ketene Aminals And Its Derivatives

Posted on:2008-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360218452625Subject:Materials engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heterocyclic ketene animals are used as versatile synthons in the synthesis ofheterocyclic compounds. Its preparations, the structure feature, the reactiveproperties and the applications in organic synthesis have already been researchedthoroughly. The main object of this thesis is to investigate the reaction ofheteroclic ketene aminals.Synthesis method of Heterocyclic Ketene Aminals has been describedcarefully. Ketene Aminals is Heterocyclic Ketene an especial mono-aza-enecomponent, the addive Aminals with a compounds or the ester- andcyano-compounds is reaction system of unsaturated passed the path of the aza-ene,and Heterocyclic Ketene Aminals can occur the substitution reaction of twonucleophilic reageant, such as regiospecific alklation reation, regioseleeticaeylation reaction, the sugarlation reaction, the halogennating reation, the nitratingreaction and the cyclic adduct reaction with the 1,3-dipole reagent. The 1:1nucleophilic adducts were sole products of the reaction between heteroeyelicketene aminals and nitrile ylides. The reaction can occur at the a -C atom ofheterocyclic ketene aminals, which aford the C-substituted products, and can alsooccur at the N-atom, which yield the N-substituted products.The reaction of heterocyclic ketene arninals with ethylbromo-acetate, undernetual condition, gives four new heteocyelie products, [330] and [430] withexcellent yields. Their structures were carefully proved by NMR, IR and elementalanalysis etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:heterocyclic ketene aminals, synthetic methods, reaction mechanism
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