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Preliminary Study On Biomass And Carbon Storage In Ecosystem Of Industrial Raw Material Stand Of Eucalypts

Posted on:2006-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Biomass and carbon storage in ecosystem of industrial raw material stand of Eucalypts in Yong'an city was studied in this paper. Biomass of individual tree and stand was increased with age. Biomass of industrial raw material stand of 3-years E. grandis xurophylla stand (1483tree/hm~2) and 4-years E. grandis xurophylla stand (1319tree/hm~2) are 40.79t/hm~2 and 55.33 t/hm~2 individually, biomass of individual tree are 27.50kg/tree, 41.95kg/tree individually. Biomass of industrial raw material stand of 3-years E. grandis stand (1165tree/hm~2) and 6-years E. grandis stand (1889tree/hm~2) are 36.48t/hm~2, 62.14 t/hm~2 individually, biomass of individual tree are 31.32kg/tree, 32.90kg/tree individually. Biomass of industrial raw material stand of 4-years E. urophylla xgrandis stand (1517 tree/hm~2) and 7-years E. urophylla xgrandis stand (1106 tree/hm~2) are 70.08t/hm~2, 112.08t/hm~2 individually, biomass of individual tree are 46.66kg/tree, 102.03kg/tree individually. The distributing sequence of the organic biomass of three varietyies eucalypts stands was that trunk>root>branch>leaf except that biomass of leaf in 4-years E. urophylla xgrandis stand is slightly above branch. The percentage of organic biomass was almost same in the same variety stands in different age but it was quiet different in the different variety stands of eucalypts. Biomass percentage of leaf, branch, trunk and root in E. grandis xurophylla stand were 12.81-12.96%, 14.69-15.26%, 56.02-56.73% and 15.76% individually; biomass percentage of leaf, branch, trunk and root in E. grandis stand were 3.99-4.15%, 4.33-4.75%, 56.20-56.78 %and 34.90% individually; biomass percentage of leaf, branch, trunk and root in E. urophylla xgrandis stand were 3.29-6.25%, 5.01-5.78%, 66.03-69.76% and 21.94% individually. The productivity of 3-years and 4-years E. grandis xurophylla stand are 77.13%, 78.46% of climatic productivity individually; the productivity of 6-years and 3-years E. grandis stand are 58.75%, 68.97% of climatic productivity individually; the productivity of 4-year and 7-year E. urophylla xgrandis stand are 100.40%, 91.40% of climatic productivity individually.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yong'an city, industrial raw material stand of eucalypts, biomass, productivity, carbon content, carbon storage
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