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Biomass And Carbon Storage In Old-growth Pinus Massoniana Lamb. Plantation Ecosystem

Posted on:2009-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XiaFull Text:PDF
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The forest,as the principal part of land ecosystem,undertakes important actions on carbon circulation in the world.The computing of biomass and carbon storage is the basis of studing on ecosystem carbon cycling and balance.At presently,the plantation area in China come to be more than 53 million hectares,being the first in the world,but there are few data on the carbon cycle of plantation ecosystem in the China,especially the plantation of the old-growth forest, limiting the precise estimation on the carbon sink or source of the plantation ecosystem.In this paper,the old-growth forest of Pinus massoniana the main object of our studyied,it focused on stand biomass estimate,builded the biomass regression model of tree layer,organic carbon content measurement of tree layer,shrub layer,herb layer,litter layer and soil layer,the evaluation of the biomass and amount about regional forest ecosystem carbon storage and the allocation,simultaneously,investigated life process and special heterogeneity of the old-growth forest,contrastive studied on different ages of Pinus massoniana Lamb. plantation.It is aimed to investigate the old-growth forest of Pinus massoniana Lamb.ecology function,process and find an appropriate way to exactly estimate the size of biomass and carbon storage of the regional forest ecosystem,basing on the forest resource inventory data,in the hope of supplying some data for researches on carbon sequestration functions of the regional forest ecosystem and carbon circle of the ecological geographic regional forest ecosystem in China,and providing the foundation and reference for the regional environment construction,the regional forest ecosystem carbon storage management policy.The following results were achieved:1.Based on the regression analysis of biomass from Pinus massoniana Lamb.analysis trees,the regression model of Pinus massoniana Lamb.biomass was builded,and the model had a correlation relationship much more closely.The biomass of Pinus massoniana the old-growth forest and other ages stand was:the old-growth forest with 547.481 t·hm-2, 41-year-old stand with 131.377 t·hm-2,18-year-old stand with 51.037 t·hm-2,15-year-old stand with 38.519 t·hm-2,10-year-old stand with 17.927 t·hm-2,4-year-old stand with 5.572t·hm-2.In the old-growth forest,the biomass of tree layer was 528.759t·hm-2,shrub layer was 13.082 t·hm-2,herb layer was 0.759 t·hm-2,litter laye was 4.881t·hm-2.2.There were differences among the carbon content in Pinus massoniana Lamb.of the old-growth forest and other ages forest in tree layer organs(stem,branch,leaf,bark and root), shrub layer,herb layer,litter layer and soil layer(0~100 cm).There were differences among the carbon content of the tree different organs,moreover the sequence of organs varied in different age and stand types,did not explicate a certain regulation.The carbon content sequence of the old-growth forest different organ types of tree layer was stems>leaves>barks>branchs>roots,in general,the leaf is tallest and the root is the lowest in each stand of the carbon content.The carbon content of the same organ in different ages stand did not put up uniformly change along with the age change.The mean value sequence of carbon content in tree layer of each ages was:4-year -old>41-yea r-old>18-year -old>15-year-old>old-growth>10-year-old.The carbon content sequence of under storey vegetation and litter layer in each ages was:litter layer>shrub layer>herb layer.The soil carbon content increased with the increase of age at the same soil layer,moreover the difference decreased with soil depth increase.The soil carbon concentration generally decreased with the increase of depth in all stand types,and the maximum differences of soil carbon content for adjacent soil layer occurred at 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm.3.The carbon storage of Pinus massoniana the old-growth forest ecosystem and other ages were:396.739 t·hm-2in the old-growth forest,177.163 t·hm-2in 41-year-old stand, 129.781 t·hm-2in 18-year-old stand,126.555 t·hm-2in 15-year-old stand,110.811 t·hm-2in 10-year-old stand,96.021 t·hm-2in 4-year-old stand;among them,the carbon storage of forest vegetation(tree layer,shrub layer,herb layer)were:271.399 t·hm-2in the old-growth forest, 64.228 t·hm-2in 41-year-old stand,21.492 t·hm-2in 18-year-old stand,16.892 t·hm-2in 15-year-old stand,6.509 t·hm-2in 10-year-old stand,2.02 t·hm-2in 4-year-old stand.The carbon storage of Pinus massoniana the old-growth forest ecosystem was higher than the average of Chinese forest ecosystem(258.83 t·hm-2);the carbon storage of vegetation in the old-growth forest was higher than the average of Chinese forest vegetation(57.07 t·hm-2)and global forest vegetation(86 t·hm-2).The carbon storage of soil in the old-growth forest was lower than the average of Chinese forest soil(193.55 t·hm-2).
Keywords/Search Tags:Pinus massoniana Lamb., old-growth forest, biomass, carbon storage, carbon content
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