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Sense-Group Division: A Way To Improve Listening Comprehension--The Necessity Of A Remedial Course For Freshmen

Posted on:2002-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360032456992Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
How to- bove the stodents' liStenin comPrehenSion is becoIning mor andmere wt in the Presen SOCtw. Many linghsts and teacherS POint out tbafacors tha eduence stUdents' listenin cOmtwion are various and differen.How to hmp stUdbnd overcome unfaVOfor faCors in listenin cwienSon isan haPOrtan taSk for bo. So how to wi bo' listeningcomPrehension is an twrtan Part of fOreign lWe teaCbin in modem tiInes.A lOt Of litw W methods bav tw Pu M. For Me, somteaChers M bottOInmp and toP-down WaCly some insist on listeningtrased teaching mot. wta doub the ds can hele som stutabove their liStenin COmtwion to some eXten. The disstheon Putsfotw another method to helP a ~ grop Of studen, ds have nO me thereqUirementS for them in Senior high SChools, twve their listenincOmPrehenson: Hciation wice and senseW division. Sens W is ameaninful sthectural wht of a Sentence. Sense-grOU division is not onlyconcemed wh granUnaticai foredg, but also with the nathe of SPOkeEnglish, such as stress of Words ed Senthes, Won of SentenCes and pauseof intetwes and inthesenences. Together with gOod PrOnunciatio4 sense-grouP division can helP StUdeDtS to wi thed liswt COInPrehension, if theydo praCice at it. Based on the PriniPle of PrOnuniation and sense-grouP division,l design a remwhai course for studen tO bo their liStenin COmPrehenSon.ChaPtr one deals with the ndes on the bors tha amuence listetwcoWion and 1istenin teaChin inethds; and the relation betWeepronuniation as well as sense-grouP division and listening coInPrehension.ChaPte twO deals with the haeWot of the reed and the coure. ChaPterthree deals wt the causes of the remedial course, how the remdial course isdried Ou and the result of the course. ChaPtr four deals nd conclusion. It noonly discusses the aChievements in thes researeh, bu some SUggstions fOr theStUdy and the shortcomings in the Pape.
Keywords/Search Tags:listening comPrehension, pronunciation, sense-grouP division, remedial course
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