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A Talk On Symbolic The Graphic In Graphic Design

Posted on:2006-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155456142Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The final purpose of graphic design is to propagate information and achieve this purpose through the design of the graphic , characters , color . Perhaps because to the urgent mood that will achieve the goal, or because of influencing by this social impetuous custom, causing some level design works now, it is single , with dull content to express the form, though has transmitted due information, there is no aesthetic value at all. How could change this current situation, enable our design to transmit information, and can beautify our life ? This text proceeds with figure , a member in this big family with the figure --Symbolize the figure as the breakthrough point, launch to designing the discussion of the new thinking and studying, choose to symbolize the figure , because some that it has are like the culture of solicitting , this is exactly the thing that we lack now! This text noun design , planar design and planar design figure that involve act as a argumentation classified thesis topic. Signify that can point a kind of creation method , technique of expression in art, can mean a kind of artistic type , can also represent a kind of artistic ideological trend , school of art . The article is pointed out clearly: The figure difference of the symbol figure and other kinds in planar design lies in its symbol , and regard " symbolizing " the meaning in semantics as the breach , open thoroughly , have introduced and symbolized three major key elements that should possess while establishing: The noumenonn , explains the body , and the condition of the connection takes place among the twoing, so as to amplify out the condition symbolizing meaning and establishment of the figure , Point out " symbolizing the figure " is a kind of very clear figure to be expressed a certain abstract meaning or the thoughts and feelings . Through understanding about the basic conception , have launched signifying in planar design the creation of the figure is conceived thoroughly , this part is divided into in order to signify creation spirit , aesthetic temperament and interest and style of the figure behave. Propose in the spirit of creation symbolizing figure , the understanding symbolizing figure is set up on the basis of agreeing on in the society, having a kind of mandatory figures, its greatest characteristic is the associating , That is to say that associates and imagines an abstract meaning through symbolizing things . Because signify the figure has cultural inside information and figure of cultural intension very much, it is determined that its form of expression has poems and is inclined to , formed by romantic element like poem, it is a kind of aesthetic temperament and interest extremely with romantic plot. Certainly according to displaying the difference of themes, the symbolic figure will use some simple and unadorned elements to annotate too, so signify the figure still has plain inclination. Signify the figure is not the new things , it has it from ancient times , especially when nowadays planar design has scale very much, after various kinds of schools of art appear in succession, the thoughts and feelings with symbolic meaning have got the expressions of different forms , I have plucked and selected some symbolic meanings to be obvious here, do one to describe simply in style school with distinct characteristic , the purpose lies in better understanding symbolizes the characteristic of the figure . Classify more and more detailed to planar design today, every kind of different design form and demand among them, determine to symbolize the different behavior style of the figure , sum up and put the symbol figure appearing in each kind of form in order, find out their characteristic, can offer more facilities for designs in the future . While touching upon finally and symbolizing the using value of the figure in planar design , lay particular emphasis on the inheritance and innovation , development and use to the modern figure to the traditional figure ! Regard this as us and open wider design space!...
Keywords/Search Tags:Symbol, Symbolic the graphic, Association, Information, Graphic design
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