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Reinterpretation Of Teahouse

Posted on:2007-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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According to the public domain study of Juergen Habermas, the city public space is a kind of public domain with the special social function and the value of cultural. Its development and expansion are the important symbol of the social economy modernization and the national politics life democratization. In teahouse which is the classic play of Lao she, author discovered that there are a lot of similarities between"Yutai teahouse"which is the only play scene established by Lao She who take the old Chinese teahouse as the prototype and the city public domain elaborated by Juergen Habermas. And there is a characteristic isomorphism between public space and modern drama. The discipline boundary between Sociological and the play study is broken. Therefore, take the public domain theory as reference to the text explanation of Teahouse will bring the new breakthrough on Teahouse study.This article maily using the public domain theory of Juergen Habermas carried on the text analysis statically and dynamically. Through the analysis on the scene of Yutai teahouse, author tried hard to find out the similarities and differences between the western public space and the old Chinese public space. In the western public space reference, author tried to summarize the characteristic and the essence of old Chinese public space which take the Yutai teahouse as representative. Through the unscrambling on the declining process of Yutai teahouse, author shows the historical paradox in the modernization process in old China. Through the analysis ,author inquired Lao she's manner and emotion hided after the text. Then author discusses Lao She's complex personality and thoughts in that special period. This will deepen people's understanding to Lao She and his play Teahouse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teahouse, the Public Space, Lao She
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