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On Habermas' Proceduralism Ethic Ideology

Posted on:2008-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J GongFull Text:PDF
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German philosopher and sociologist Habermas is considered as one of the most influential and encyclopedic thinkers in the West. He is famous for proposing communicative behaviorism and his positive theoretical attitude. Speech Ethics (also Negotiation Ethics) is the application and extension of his communicative behaviorism theories in ethics field. Seeing from its theoretical assumptions and displayed forms, it doesn't involve the concrete content of ethics but only the standardized and valid deduction procedure. It can be called Proceduralism Ethics, Standardized Ethics or Formalism Ethics. Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics is a distinctive solution for modern sexual ethics crisis. As a distinctive modern ethic ideology, although with defect such as formalism, it plays an important part in modern western ethics of the postmodern context and it possesses priceless modern values in many fields, such as democratic politics, science of law and philosophy, international relations and public field. Therefore, studying Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics is provided with certain theoretical and practical meanings.Based on the distinctive visual angle of Proceduralism Ethics, this thesis tries to re-integrate and smooth Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics and make a thorough analysis of its developing process, origins, theoretical bases, basic content, contributions, limitations and modern values. The thesis is mainly composed of five parts. Foreword introduces Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics overall and make clear of the writing thinking of the whole thesis. To begin with, Part One briefly introduces the developing process of Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics. It mainly undergoes three stages as communicative ethics, speechethics and Proceduralism ethics. Speechethics is the extension of communicative ethics and Proceduralism ethics is the deepening of speechethics. In the following, the thesis presents the basic concepts and basic categories of Proceduralism Ethics. These basic concepts include elaboration procedure, Proceduralism and basic categories refer to proceduralism and procedural rationale.Part Two analyses the origin of Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics from three perspectives of value, reality and theory respectively. From the perspective of value the thesis investigates the reasons of procedure value and traces the value of procedure itself. From that of reality, it proposes a practical solution ---- building Proceduralism Ethics, based on analyzing the difficult position of modern ethics. As for the theory perspective, it refers to Proceduralism Ethics'theoretically inheriting and reforming Kant's general normative ethic and the debate with Rawls'Proceduralism on"Proceduralism", which establish the theoretical frame.Part Three expounds the theoretical bases of Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics: communicative behaviorism theory, living world theory and standardized pragmatics. Communicative behaviorism theory is the starting point and central theoretical base of Proceduralism Ethics. Living world theory provides theoretical space and real background for it. And standardized pragmatics offers a distinctive methodological angle of language philosophy. Proceduralism Ethics does not only set these three theories as bases but also mingle with them and integrate together, thus to crate a huge organic theoretical system.Part Four presents the basic content of Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics, which mainly include five aspects: two principles of popularization and speech deduction; three structures of speech deduction procedure, policy decision procedure and law procedure; three dimentions of practice rationale---- practical dimentions, ethical dimentions and moral dimentions; fulfillment of procedure's effectiveness---- the premise is ideal speech context, the bridge is truth common understanding; the form and essence of Proceduralism Ethics.Part Five briefly comments the contributions, limitations and modern values of Habermas'Proceduralism Ethics. As a new ethics thought, Proceduralism Ethics has both contributions and limitations. With distinctive modern values, it contributes a lot in democratic politics, science of law and philosophy, international relations and public field and is worth of studying and applying in large extent. Consequently, Habermas established Proceduralism democratism, Proceduralism law pattern, international relations theory of new type and public field of new pattern.The conclusion states that even though Proceduralism Ethics might be a ethical utopia, it can also bright us spirit power and utopian belief.
Keywords/Search Tags:Proceduralism Ethics, Speech Ethics, communicative ethics, formalism
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