In the numerous Chinese classic poetry theories, the feefing and setting theory iscore. Following the ancestors' clue, this thesis will, on one hand, illustrate the poetrytheories about Chinese classic poetry theories with present language, and excavate itsmodern value; On the other hand, try to analyze the concepts and the categories byintroducing western theories.This thesis will be divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, analysis ofemotion and scenery concept. First, consult the illustrations about emotion andscenery from the original materials in the Chinese classic poetry theories and find outthe source of emotion and scenery concept, and then distinguish the two linkingconcepts; Secondly, analyze between western subject and object concept introducedand Chinese emotion and scenery concept, find out their connection and distinction.In the second chapter, classical illustration about the feeling and setting theories.Summarize the classical poetry feeling and setting theories. In the third chapter, thecombination principal of emotion and scenery. Firstly, analyze Zhou Bi's illustrationabout model of composing of emotion and scenery from the structure angle, and thenWang FuZhi's illustration about the principal of blending of emotion and sceneryfrom the conceiving and content angle, and appraise them. In the fourth chapter, theaesthetic character of the emotion and scenery blending. The emotion and scenery inperfect harmony enables the poets to achieve better, aesthetic effect. The emotion andscenery in perfect harmony bears the character of vivid image, virtuality and realityliving mutually, and long lingering charm, etc. |