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The Female Images Of Lin Haiyin's Novels

Posted on:2009-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245954545Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lin Haiyin is a well-known writer of Contemporary Literature of China, and she is the pioneer of female literature of Taiwan. She lived in Beijing in her childhood and youth, and she went back to the homeland of Taiwan when she was thirty years old. The special life experience enabled Lin Haiyin full of feelings to Beijing and Taiwan. Her inspiration of literary creation also came from her life experience. As an independent professional woman, she realized the different women's experience in old and new time, and created a series of different and vivid female images. She was concerned about the fate of women, discussed various issues of life through the creation of female images, and expressed her sympathy and compassion.In this paper, I analyze the female images in Lin Haiyin's novels, study the art techniques and narrative strategy of the creation of the different images, and discuss her feminist standpoint and humanities concern. Lin Haiyin's novel creation was closed to her own life experience. The paper tried to think the relation between the female images and her life experience, and point out the limitation of her female consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Female images, Art technique, Narrative strategy, Life experience
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