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The Application Of Rapid Performance In The Environmental Art

Posted on:2009-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275967022Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fast performance is a diagram which has certain form during the course of designing process, and the diagram was designed by the designer himself which helps to the composition of the designation.. Meanwhile, these configurations are the effective fools of the designer. It is a kind of way to express the design thinking by way of diagram. It is also a method during which thought and picture combined to form inspiration, which has an artistic appreciation and technical practice.The thesis is theoretical research concerning fast performance which has a very important significance to study. First, through the survey fast performance is made to be more theoretically systematic, thus helps to the fulfillment of the design of the environmental art. Second, discussed the application of thinking of the rapid performance and display of fast performance. The thesis is intended to provide an effective and quick method for the design of environmental art, which helps to solidate the theoretical basis of the fast performance.The thesis is based on the examples of the fast performance. Basically formed the framework of the study of fast performance. Summarized the relation between the fast performance and environmental design. Explain the function of the fast performance; analyzed the basic patterns of the fast performance; depicted the application the fast performance in thinking and the fast performance in demonstration.During the course of environmental art design, fast performance in thinking and the design thinking has a close relationship and interaction. Point, line, aspect, words and signs are the ways of expressing fast performance. It clarifies the working process that fast performance functions in thinking design and the instructional meaning. It is not only a kind of form of turning environmental art design into object, but also a carrier of conveying the thought of the designer. The fast performance in demonstration is an important way of showing the design effect. Geometric modules, Fuzzy Perspective, Color induction are its way of expression. Colorful pencil performance, the fountain-pen performance, pen and water color combined performance, pencil and mark combined performance are the skills of expressing fast performance in demonstration.The thesis is trying to testify the application of thinking of the rapid performance and display of fast performance in environmental art and design through vivid examples, thus to further prove thinking of the rapid performance has undoubtedly become a strong link between environmental art and design and design thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:rapid performance, environmental art and design, design thinking
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