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The Translation Novels' Characters Of From 1910 To 1920

Posted on:2010-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278973038Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
《The Short Story Magazine》founded in July 1910,until to Jan 1921 when Shen yanbing revised ,during the eleven years,《The Short Story Magazine》had published 126 issues, which had more than 400 novels translate from other countries. These novels had many kinds of forms and complexity, which showing the specific background of the unique style of literary translation. Because of the special nature of journals, this article focuses on the works selecting and the features of translators on the prophase to explore the characteristics of translation of the novel during this period, and Induction of translation by the characteristics of the novel as a whole showed. The full text is divided into three parts:Chapter1: Translation of the novel's basic situation of the《The Short Story Magazine》on the prophaseThis chapter focuses on introducing the translation novels on《The Short Story Magazine》in this period in a whole, and counting changes in the number of the works, at the same time doing a general introduction of the translators. As a journal, the attitude of editors is also very important to the translation novels, because the editors of《The Short Story Magazine》attach great importance to the translation novels, even personally involved, and all of this make the translation novels' counts on《The Short Story Magazine》climbing during the eleven years. Changes in the modern mode of transmission mean that the impact of publishing agencies is becoming an important factor to the content and form of the journals. Commercial Press as《The Short Story Magazine》publishing and distribution agency always has the relative seriousness attitude of the literature, and makes a number of publications appeared in national and fitting translation of literary works of high achievement.Chapter2: the features of selecting worksThis chapter focuses on explaining the features of selecting works on the contents, levels and countries, and reveals the emergence of these features' underlying causes. From the contents, education and entertainment co-exists, On the one hand, this phenomenon embodies the modern society caused by the dramatic changes to people's changing ideas, people with lofty ideals for the devastated country's desire to seek a way out, on the other hand, the issued place of《The Short Story Magazine》Shanghai is special.As the position of the "yuan hu pai", to some extent, the style of writing is just for the entertainment at that time in Shanghai. "Circulation is the last word" decides《The Short Story Magazine》must have the entertainment novels for complying with the requirements of the audiences. From the levels, noble and vulgar co-exists, the appearance of this phenomenon has many reasons, the games mind of the translators, the lack of the original source,《The Short Story Magazine》is a city publication not a purely literary journal, part of the translators can't understand the real spirit of the original and so on, all of these are the important factors. From the countries, the feature is emphasis on Europe and the United States and ignores the Asia. This is closely related to the wave of the study abroad and the publication of institutions' cultural traditions.Chapter3: the features of the translatorsThis chapter focuses on the features of the translators during this period of《The Short Story Magazine》and the relationship between the translators and the translation works. The translators can divide into three types: traditional civilian translator, dual or multiple cultural identities of the translator and the translator has the background of studying abroad. These three types of translators also have the distinctive features of themselves. The article lists in detail the three different kinds of translators and the translation excellent and the inadequacies, at the same time using the compare to explain the relationship between translators and translation works.
Keywords/Search Tags:《The Short Story Magazine》, translation, novels, selecting translators, feature
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