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On The Current Situation And Standardized Development Of Capital Management Of State-Owned Enterprise

Posted on:2001-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D P LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360002952816Subject:Investment economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the practical development of restructuring of economic systems and the understanding of socialist market economy deepen, to strengthen the capital management of state-owned enterprise has become common recognition in the enterprise and theory circles in our country. But because of history and systems, etc, there exist some people who have one-sided understanding in capital managing, so that many operators of capital management misled in reality, in the result, the reform of our state-owned enterprise has been hindered. Based on investigation, by ways of comparative research law and positive analysis law, analytic thinking and countermeasures are put forward for standardizing the capital management of state-owned enterprise in the article.The first way to standardize the capital management of state-owned enterprise is to understand the theory of capital management clearly and deeply. Synthesizing Maxist political economy and Western economy, I think the essence of capital is to make it rise in value, it not only reflects established relations of production, but it is also the value carrier of production factors. However, the essence of capital managing is to make enterprise capital active and floating by way of management the forms of value and make it get maximum rise in value. It has strict bounds with product management in traditional sense, but it relates greatly with the practice of product management. According to the direction of investment movement, capital management can be divided into vertical capital management and lateral capital management , the former refers to the whole process of capital movement, which involves investment, production, exchange and consume; the latter refers to the lateral capital floating caused by the merger and acquisition, and structural adjustment etc.To standardize the capital management of state-owned enterprise in our country, we should use the experience of other countries for reference. Since 1979, British has taken various measures to reform and restructure the state-owned enterprise, by the end of 1991, about fifty big state-owned enterprise hadinbeen restructured and sold. The way to restructure the state-owned enterprises thoroughly and extensively took great effect on restructuring of state-owned enterprise in the other developed countries. France restructured the state-owned enterprise by way of restructuring the original government department to independent enterprise legal person, which became active . Led by national treasury department, Italy transformed the state-owned enterprises to stock-companies. From the middle in the 1980's, that Japanese has begun to reorganize the state-owned enterprises which aimed at non-governmental management by means of taking measures of capital managing to reorganize three state-owned enterprises that are not stock-companies, has obtained certain achievement. The success in capital management of state-owned enterprises in British, France, Italy and Japan gave us some enlightenment in the reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises, which is in the following: the premise requirement that the state-owned enterprise is that laws and regulations is perfect, administration of justice is strict, we can carry out plural state-owned property right part in the reform of state-owned enterprises make good use of the function of the capital market and we must control the shares of the stock-company strictly in particular trades.Since 1990's, the capital management being put forward and developed is based on reviewing and looking forward to the process of the reform of our state-owned enterprise, which is adapted to the objective requirement that the structure of state-owned enterprise and capital allocation be adjusted, and that stock of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprise be activated. In the process of actual operating, on the one hand, to carry out the capital management of state-owned enterprise took great effect: (1) making the manager of the enterprises transfer their sense of managing essentially; (2)...
Keywords/Search Tags:State-owned Enterprise, Capital management, Standardization, Capital
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