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The Performance Strategy Of Internet Advertising Based On Fcb Models

Posted on:2002-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WangFull Text:PDF
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The Intenet is expanding by leaps and bounds, which givesunprecedented opportunities to marketing and advertising industries on aglobal scale. Meanwile, it brings challenges to the traditionaladvertising theories so that we should reconsider the development oftotal advertising strategy and even the definition of Advertising. TheInternet breaks free from the one-to-many and one-way communicationpatterns of the traditional mass media whereby the initiative andindividual values of audience are promoted and consumer self-directedcommunication is formed. Thus interaction between people and mediareally come true. In addition, the Internet possesses a conspicuousfeature so called "hypermedia". If and how all of these factors takeeffects on the expression strategy of Internet advertising? In order toanswer the questions, researches were done in this paper.First of all, we introduced the concept of"HypermediaComputer-Mediated Environments" (Hypermedia CMEs), andexpounded its most impotrtant two message communicationcharacteristics: interaction and hypermedia. Then we discussed theimportance of the Internet to marketing and advertising and the specialcompetitive strength of Internet advertising as well.Second, the expression strategy of Internet advertising wasinquired from both technology method and performance result. In thispart, we emphatically studied how interaction and hypermedia affect themessage design of Internet advertising.Third, we employed FCB grid models to discuss the expressionstrategy of different product advertising on the Internet in view ofcomsumers' purchasing psychology High involvement-low involvementand thinking-feeling play different roles, which were discussed-- III -cWk#@f*&&xrespectively in the paPer.Finally, a practical research on the exPression straegy of Intemetadvertising was conducted in order tO understand the actUal sitUation inthis profession. We picked uP fOur kinds of products Which belong tOdifferent categories of FCB models and investigated their marketing andadvertising activities on the WWW These advertisements wereclassified according to the fact: were they placed on enterprisehomepages or yellow pages on the Web? Then they were samPledseparately and we studied the statistics results through the contentanalysis method.The research resuIts imPlied that FCB models aPply partly toInternet advertising. We can refer to FCB models while developing theexpression strategy of Internet advertising. On the other hand, we shouldthink over the relationship between Ifltemet features and productcategories so that we can give fulI play to the message communicationcharacteristics of the Iniemet.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet advertising, express strategy, FCBGrid Models, hypermedia, interaction
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