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The Systematic Evaluation Of Sustainable Agricultural Resources Utilization In Tianjin And The Stuky Of Feasible Measures

Posted on:2002-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032953168Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The sustainable development of society and economy based on the sustainabledeveIopment of agriculture, and sustainable agricultural resources utilization is thecenter of the sustainable development of agriculture .The study of the sustainableagricultural development assessment now has got initial result in theory- As one of the four municipalities directly under the central government, as one ofthe opening coastal cities, Tianin will become a modern harbor and an importanteconomic center in the north. In 20l0,Tianjin will take the lead in accomplishing themodemization of agriculture .In order to promote the sustainable development of theagricultuxal andml economy and the sustainabIe development of the whole city. Thelimited agricultIJral resources must be utilized completely rationally efficiently andsustained.My thesis put the theory of systematic aPpraisal for sustainable agriculturalresources use in regional level inio practice. Under the direction of the sustainabledevelopment theory and the ecological--economic--social complex theory, Ianalyze the present ulilization sitUation of natural resources and the present situation..' J - -of agricultural economy and society. Based on the analysis, all Q.. system ofsustainable utilization assessment of agricultural resources in Tianjin is establishedand then I use the model of assessment to assess the use Ievel of the agriculturalresources in Tianjin in the past five years, then drawing some conclusions. Bycomparing it with Beijing and Shanghai, my thesis find that Tianjin still has a long- way to go. Finally the last pan of my thesis is contributed to the tragic goal and thefeasible measures for realization of the sustainable agricultural resources utilization inTianjin in the light of the result of the assessment and actuarial situation of this region.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural resources, sustainable utilization, assessment feasible measure
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