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General Goal Of State-owned Enterprises Reform

Posted on:2002-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032957105Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Key of the Economic System revolution is to reform the productionrelations Which is not suitable for the produchve forces. As is proved by practice,under the conditions of the production at present in China, the uniform publicownership certainly is not a sort of production relations Which is suitable for thedevelopment of produchve forces.Therefore, the refOrm of state-owned ellterprises and the developmellt of theorganizationaI makeuP of Chinese films in the fufore will be the importan patof the economic system reforms, Which will influence the success of theeconomic system reform and the moderniZation of our coUntry.Consequently, to make definite the final goal of the reform of state-ownedenerprises will certainly be an Anportant SUbect for understanding and prachce.The auhor develops an analysis of the generaI goal and the ways of thereform of State-owned Cllterprises from the point of management.l. A society Which can live and develop in history must have a sore ofAVailable productive vehicle fits for itself The final goal of the reform of thestate-owned enterprises in our country is to look for and establish a sort ofproduchve fOrces vehicle that is suitable for the sPecial condihons in cIilna.2. The State-owned enterprise reform Should aim at establishing the mordentfirm system, achieving the transformation of management of the state-ownedellterpnses.3. To realize the general goal still dePends on establishing a ldnd ofmacroscopic environment, that is, to build the socialist market economic syStem,the socialiSt democratic political syStem and to fix the values of the dePttientalselfishness.
Keywords/Search Tags:transformation of management, reforms of state-enterprise, available productive forces vehicle.
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