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The Study Of State-owned Banks' Coming Into The Market

Posted on:2003-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J DingFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Finance plays a vitally role in a country, and the banks' stable and healthy development holds the balance as they are the most important finance institutions. As the member of the Basel Agreement, the Capital Adequate Rates of our state-owned banks are seriously low. After analyzing all the ways that may be used in order to improve the Rate, we can get a conclusion that by joint-stock reform and then coming into the market we may settle the problem better. What's more, the reform not only can improve the Rate, but most importantly, it can promote the establishment of the state-owned banks' Modern Bank System. Now, the state-owned banks have certain difficulties in coming into the market, but we can settle them by some methods. Because every bank is different from each other, the methods of each bank should be different, too. The arrangement of the state-owned share in the banks after they coming into the market has a close relationship to the effect of the reform, so a rational share arrangement will be the focus problem of the reform design, the paper will give the analysis withal it. Finally, the reform will unavoidably brings changes of the risks of the banks, so the study and building of the finance safety net will be a necessary work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capital Adequate Rate, Modern Bank System, Finance Safety Net
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