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A Study On The Assets Reorganization And Industry Restructure Of Listed Companies In Chongqing And Sichuan

Posted on:2003-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092465911Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Entethe the ncw cemp with the develoPmen of economy and commerceglobalhation, the competiton becomes more intense. Ih order to wh the econondcbattle and meet the thythm of develoPment assets reo~on is widely used as aimPoM methOd all around the worid. AJthough of short history assetsreorganhaon emewi among listed cOmPanies in large scale has aroused greatattenon. Chogqing and SiAn are most developed districts in west china, liStedcomPanies have occuPied considerable PrOPOthon in local econOmX how is theeffect of their assetS rcorganiZation is the fOcus SPO. It is very importan to discoverthe problems, solve the problems and summarize the experiences, as well as topromote the local economy by StUdying on the assets reorpanhaion of listed' comPboes of the twO districtS.FirSt of all, by looldng back on the origin of assetS reorpAnZation and itSdevelOPmen cours in our cOUntry thes paPer eInpezes on the StUdy whethassets reorgNon has heved comPany Pefformance in Chongqing andSichUan, on the basis of evaluaing the liSted comPedes, and draW relevanconclusion. At the same hme, this pape also studies the industry restrUctUre inrelationship with assets reorgHon. In the end, uns paper brings forwar advcesand measures by means of analyzing the problems on assets reorganhaion of listedcomPames.The creative POints of thes pape lies in: by StUdytng assets rcorganhaon inrelationship with indUStry reStrUtUre, POints out tha pUrSulng assetS reowionmUSt obey the ghdane of company strategy and emphasize in culhvating corecompetence, meanwhile Puts fonVnd advices on induSny reStrUCtUr. ms papesurely can contribute to assetS reorghaZation of liStCd cOmPanies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Listed Company, Assets Reorganization, Industry Restructur
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