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Mixed Financial Industry System: An Inevitable Choice In The Developmeat Of Our Country's Financial Industry

Posted on:2005-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The economic globalization has been speeded up greatly since 1980's. As an important part of the economic globalization, financial globalization is becoming an inexorable trend for the development of world economy and finance. As for the current operation mode of the world finance, the all-round financial industry system having been applied by Germany, Holland, and Switzerland for a long period, afterwards, separated financial industry system inside the financial industry was terminated thoroughly after the Japanese Financial Explosion happened in 1998 and the USA applied its Modernization Act of Financial Services in 1999, thus the Mixed Financial Industry System was formed in the world financial industry. The choice of this business mode has its historical background, scientific theoretical basis, and a good practical result. In a sentence, the mixed financial industry system has been formed through trans-industry and trans-regional amalgamation and acquisition of enterprises, under the background of integration, comprehension, and globalization of world economy and in the guidance of scale-economy and scope-economy theories, which accelerated economic efficiency and social effects. China's accession into WTO in 2001 predicted a new take-up of its economy, after its 20-year economic reform, through readjustment of its economic structure according to international rule under the economic globalization. But as the economic lifelines of the national financial industry, the domestic financial industry is still lack of the soil of market and globalization for many reasons. Facing the impact of the foreign financial industry, it is extremely urgent for China to adjust its economic structure and so to fix a target. With reference to the changing trend and the successful experience of international financial industry, we should abandon the separated financial mode and switch to the mixed one gradually. It is an inexorable trend and is determined jointly by the intrinsic requirement of the merging of the domestic economy into the world and by the intrinsic requirement of deepened reform and further development of the domestic financial industry. The essay consists of 4 chapters. Chapter 1 analyses two theoretical basis of the mixed financial industry system----scale-economy and scope-economy theories. It begins with the features of the financial industry, leads to the concepts and features of separated and mixed financial industry systems, and analyses at the angle of western economics that the financial industry as a kind of industry must follow the scale-economic effect, and that, it has a more strong scope-economic effect than other industries for reason of the particularity of its products. But the realization of the two effects should be limited to the scope of management level of the financial industry and the full use of the present resources. Chapter 2 mainly introduces the ways of running of the mixed financial industry system in foreign countries and its development. At first, the author points out the five reasons of the forming of the mixed system. They are: the expansion of economic scale and the change of economic structure, information technology being perfected, diversified requirement of clients, seeking exorbitant profit, the improvement of risk control ability. Under this background, the scale of international financial industry was enlarged, structure readjusted, and capital flow accelerated through the trans-industry and trans-regional merging and acquisition of enterprises. It also gives a practical analysis to the cases of Germany, Japan, and the USA, and summarizes their experiences and routes of the mixed financial business in developed countries. Chapter 3 analyses the relevant conditions of whether the mixed financial industry system can be used in China and gives out a result that China financial industry has a primary environment for mixed financial industry. The essay firstly introduces the concept of International Competitive Ability and gives a detailed analysis of t...
Keywords/Search Tags:Developmeat
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