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On Legal Regulation Of Chinese Financial Asset Management Corporation

Posted on:2005-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360125469260Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For treating on non-performing assets of commercial bank, dissolving the financial risk and giving impetus to reform of state-owned enterprises, four Financial Asset Management corporations(FAMC) in China------Xinda, Dongfang, Huarong and Changcheng, granted by the state council, were founded in succession in 1999. The efficient operation of FAMC influences not only the safty of itself, but also the smooth progress of the reform of financial system and state-owned enterprises in China.Though FAMC has been running for four years, studies on its special nature and legal status were still superficial. And the mechanism and operation of FAMC still encounter obstacles in current legal system. Based on present conditions in China and international experience, this thesis attempts to elaborate systematically and analyze deeply the problems of legal regulation in respect to FAMC, including the establishment, the operation and the end (or the transformation) of FAMC in China, expecting to have a comprehensive interpretation to FAMC through angle of law.
Keywords/Search Tags:FAMC, Law, Regulation, Legal person
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